The concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) was evolved in 1971, incorporating Japan's unique idea into PM (preventive maintenance of equipment) which is an equipment management system introduced from the United States in the 1950s to the 1960s. Initial format of TPM was purposed on "Maximizing Equipment Efficiency" in the production department. A paradigm shift from the era of "Seller's market" to the era of "Buyer's market" had come. Therefore, TPM has evolved from "Production Department TPM" to "Company-wide TPM" aiming "Optimization of Production Management Efficiency. In today's scenario every manufacturing organisation is facing difficulty because of
The aim of TPM (which stands for Total Productive Maintenance) is to establish a corporate climate that will maximize production system effectiveness and will result in P-rofitable organization. TPM improves corporate culture through the improvement of personnel and equipment systems resulting in zero-loss manufacturing processes.In more specific terms - Improvement/Maintenance activities aimed at achieving "Zeros," namely zero accidents, zero defects, zero failures and zero losses.Increase of profits with reduced production losses = Revolution to become profitable companies.
We at Rise Gemba Productivity Solution have expertise in JIPM TPM implementation for more than 20 years.Our main aim is to create a Proactive organisation to achieve excellence and to generate substantial, lasting financial profitability. We have supported many companies to sucessfully challenge and win JIPM TPM Excellence category A and Consistenncy level Award by handholding and guiding them.
Our core value of Partner in Excellence is our principle in providing consulting to our clients. We understand the requiremnt and pain areas of our clients and then deploy Lean Methodology Or the Twelve step methodology of TPM implementation as per JIPM guideline to achieve the results on P (Productivity), Q (Quality), C (Cost), D (Delivery), S (Safety), M (Morale), and E (Environment).
✔ More than 60% of time spent by top & middle management gets involved in routine activities, leaving few working hours for improvement & breakthrough activities
✔ Gap in aligning strategic direction & company vision with daily work systems at every level of organization
✔ Dependence on subjective performance management system misaligned with company goals & objectives
We extensively follow the CFT and SGA to implement TPM or LEAN in a structured and practical way at Gemba to develop Proactive human resourse to become the future Leaders and Practicnor to Sustain journey of Continous Profitabilaty year on year aligned to organisation’s goals and objectives.
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